No. 52. An act supplementary to an act entitled " an act
to incorporate the Orphan House and Episcopal Free
School Society of All Saints' Church, in Frederick
town," passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and forty-seven,
and to its supplement passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, chapter one hundred and four...
No. 53. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments
that portion of article twenty-one, of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, contained between sections
three hundred and fourteen and three hundred and
thirty-four, both inclusive, title "Washington county,"
sub-title "Williamsport," and to confirm and make
valid the election held in said Town of Williamsport, on
the first Monday in March, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-five, for Burgess, Assistant Burgess, and five Com-
missioners for said town, and to confirm and make valid
the action of the said officers so selected in appointing a
bailiff' in said town ..................................................
No. 54. An act to extend the Charter of the Grand Divi-
sion of the State of Maryland, of the Order of the Sons
of Temperance, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and forty-five, chapter one hundred and fifty-
nine ....................................................................
No. 55. An act to repeal the act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter four hun-
dred and thirty-nine, entitled " an act to regulate the
issuing of licenses for the sale of spirituous and ferniented
liquors in this State," so far as the same applies to Fred-
erick, Cecil and Garrett counties..............................
No. 56. An act, a supplement to act passed at the January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty, chapter two hun-
dred and sixty-seven, entitled "an act incorporating a
company to open, in part, and improve the road from
Frederick city, in Frederick county, to the Spout Spring
on the Hamburg road, passing Bradrup's Saw Mill," as
revived by an act passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter two hundred and thir-
teen, entitled " an act to revive an act incorporating a
company to open, in part, and to improve the road from
Frederick city, in Frederick county, to the Spout Spring