road, and the entire capital defined as aforesaid,
of the same has heretofore escaped taxation.
Duty of asses-
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it is the duty of the assessors and tax collectors
of the several counties of this State, within which
any of said property may lie within their several
jurisdictions, to assess and collect taxes upon the
same, and they are hereby directed so to do.
And be it further resolved, That if, upon demand
Directed to
made for any taxes payable upon any such assess-
ment, the said company shall refuse or neglect to
pay the same, it shall then be the duty of the several
law officers of the State, and they are hereby directed
to collect the same by due course of law.
No. 15.
Resolved by the, General Assembly of Maryland, That
and directed.
the Joint Committee on the Centennial be, and
they are hereby authorized and directed to aid,
assist and co-operate with United States Centennial
Commissioners from this State, under their direction
and control, in all proper efforts toward the repre-
sentation of the State of Maryland in its participation
in the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary
of American Independence, to be held in the City
of Philadelphia, during the ensuing year; provided,
however, that the said committee shall themselves
pay all expenses that may be incident to their
duties, and shall in no way be empowered to con-
tract liabilities whatever against the State.