Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Duty of asses-
That it is the duty of the several assessors and tax
collectors of the several counties and cities of this
State, and they are hereby directed to proceed at
once to assess and collect taxes for State, county and
municipal purposes, upon all such property as is
hereinbefore referred to, as well as all other prop-
erty, real, personal and mixed, of the said Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company within their several
And be it further resolved, That, if upon such assess-
Directed to
ments the said company shall refuse, upon demand,
to pay such taxes as may be payable upon such
assessments, it shall be the duty of the several law
officers of this State, and they are hereby directed,
to proceed to collect the same by due course of law.
No. 14.
WHEREAS, By an act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred and
fifty-eight, there were granted to the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company, for the survey, lo-
cation, construction and use of the Washington
Branch Railroad, all the powers, rights and priv-
ileges, which they were by their charter, empow-
ered and authorized to have and exercise, in the
survey, location, construction and use of the rail-
road from the City of Baltimore to the Ohio River,
subject to the same conditions and restrictions,
except where otherwise provided by this act, (the
acts of eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter one
hundred and fifty-eight;) and