a competent surveyor, who shall, under their direc-
tion, survey said road and make a plat of the same.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the examiners
Make a report
shall then return to the county commissioners the
plat aforesaid, together with a report signed by
them, or a majority of them, stating that they have
judged said road to be for the benefit and conve-
nience of the public, and their reasons thereof, and
if they determine that said road is not for the public
convenience, and ought not to be granted, they shall
return to the county commissioners a report de-
claring such opinion, and their reasons therefor.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That whenever any
Make esti-
road shall be located and surveyed as a public road,
mate of cost.
the board of examiners shall make an estimate of
the cost of said road, and shall assess the damages
and benefits of the same upon the individuals inter-
ested, and the district or districts respectively in
such proportion as they may deem just and proper,
and shall furnish to the county commissioners a
report of such assessment; and if any person or
persons, body corporate, or district, shall feel
Feel aggriev'd
aggrieved by the award, report, return or proceed-
ing of said board of examiners, he, she, they or it,
File objec-
shall, within thirty days after said report is filed in
the office of said board of county commissioners, his,
her, their or its objection, in writing, and said county
commissioners shall, after five days' notice to each
side interested, or the attorneys thereof, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, proceed to consider the
award, return, repopt, plat and proceeding of said
examiners, and all the proceedings in said case;
and the said county commissioners may ratify and
confirm, reject, reverse, alter, amend or correct,
award, return, report plat and proceedings of said
examiners, and all the proceedings in said case, or
may, in their discretion, send back to said exam-
iners, or to a new board of examiners, in case they
deem it advisable, the award, return, report, plat
and proceedings of said examiners for alteration,
correction or amendment; and any person inter-
May appeal.
ested in said proceedings, may appeal from the final
order of ratification or rejection of the report of said