AN ACT making appropriations for the support of
the State Government, for the year ending the
thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred
and seventy-seven.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the expenditures in the support
of the Government, for the year ending the thirty-
first day of December, eighteen hundred and seven-
ty-seven, the following sums of money, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are
hereby appropriated, that is to say :
For the salary of the Governor, four thousand five
hundred dollars; for the salary of the Secretary of
State, two thousand dollars; for the salary of the
State officers.
Comptroller of the Treasury Department, two thou-
sand five hundred dollars; for the salary of the
Chief Clerk of the Comptroller, eighteen hundred
dollars; for the salary of three Assistant Clerks to
the Comptroller, twelve hundred dollars each, thirty-
six hundred dollars; for the salary of the Treasurer,
two thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of
the Chief Clerk to the Treasurer, eighteen hundred
dollars; for the salary of the Assistant Clerk to the
Treasurer, twelve hundred dollars; for the salary of
the State Librarian, fifteen hundred dollars; for the
salary of the Commissioner of the Land Office,
fifteen hundred dollars; for the salary of the Clerk
to the Commissioner of the Land Office, one thou-
sand dollars.
For the salary of the Chief Judges of the first
seven Judicial Circuits, three thousand five hundred
dollars each, twenty-four thousand five hundred
dollars; for the salaries of fourteen Associate Judges
of the first seven Judicial Circuits, two thousand
eight hundred dollars each, thirty-nine thousand
two hundred dollars; for the Special Judge of the
Court of Appeals from Baltimore city, the Chief