president of the board of said county commissioners,
and countersigned by the clerk of said board; said
Bear Interest.
bonds to bear interest payable semi-annually, on the
first day of April, and on the first day of October,
in each and every year during which the said bonds
may run and remain unpaid, and the coupons for
interest on said bonds shall be receivable by the col-
lector of taxes for said county in payment of county
taxes; provided, that said bonds shall be sold at
public sale, to the highest responsible bidder, for
cash, three weeks prior notice of time and place of
sale having been given by advertisement in the two
newspapers having the largest circulation in said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall be
Issued to ma-
issued to mature at such dates as shall, not require
the payment in any one year of more than four
thousand dollars of the principal sum thereof, and
shall be redeemable at the pleasure of the said
county commissioners, at or before their maturity;
but none of said bonds shall be issued to mature
before the first day of April, in the year eighteen
hundred and seventy- eight.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That to redeem said
bonds, the County Commissioners of Frederick
county shall annually levy upon the assessable prop-
erty of said. county, a tax sufficient to pay the interest
thereon, and the principal of such portion as may
mature in each and every year after the date of their
issue, and said levy shall be designated as " school
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the proceeds arising
from the aforementioned bonds, shall be paid over
by the county commissioners to the treasurer of
the school commissioners of said county, who shall
immediately apply said proceeds to the payment of
the aforesaid indebtedness now due by said school
commissioners, and to no other purpose.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That hereafter the school
Shall not ex-
commissioners of said county shall not expend for
school purposes, or for any other purpose, a greater
sum of money in any one year than shall be annually