. 417
, return to said sheriff the said list of qualified voters,
Shall return.
and the said judges of election shall not receive or
deposit in the ballot box the ballot of any person of-
fering to vote until they shall have found his name
in the list of qualified voters and shall be satisfied
the person so offering to vote is the person named in
said list, and have checked it thereon, and they shall
Receive and
receive and deposit, in the ballot box the ballot of
every person offering to vote whose name appears
in said lists of qualified voters.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the Officers of
Registration for the several wards of Baltimore city,
shall receive a salary of five hundred dollars for the
year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and an annual
salary of five hundred dollars thereafter; and those
for the several counties shall each receive four dol-
lars per day for each day necessarily employed in
the discharge of the duties imposed on them by this
article; the Clerk of the Superior Court of Balti-
more city, shall receive one cent for every ten words
or figures, and pro rata for making certified copies
of said lists; and the Clerks of the Circuit Courts
for the counties shall [ ] the same compensation
for making certified copies of said lists, and the said
clerks shall receive twenty-five cents for every cer-
tificate of registration issued by them under the seal
of their respective offices, the sheriffs of the several
counties and of Baltimore city, shall each receive
one dollar for every list of qualified voters delivered
by them to the judges of election, to be paid to said
Officers of Registration and sheriffs for Baltimore
city, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
and to the said officers for the several counties by
the county commissioners thereof respectively, and
the necessary expenses incurred by said Officers of
Registration for books, stationery, fuel, office-rent
and for publication of notices and lists of voters for
the several counties, shall be paid by the county
commissioners thereof respectively, and by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore. The accounts oi
the said Officers of Registration shall be verified by
vouchers, and subject to the approval of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, and said county
commissioners respectively. The Officers of Regis-