or wagon with one horse or oxen, twenty-five cents;
for every carriage or wagon with two horses, thirty
cents; for every carriage or wagon with four horses,
forty cents; for every head of horses, cattle, sheep
or hogs, five cents; which rates of toll shall be made
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors shall keep a just and true account of
all moneys received for tolls for crossing said bridge
and shall make and declare a dividend of the profits
and income thereof, among all the stockholders, first
deducting therefrom all contingent costs and charges
and such proportion of the said income as they may
deem necessary to provide against decay, or for re-
pairing said bridge and approaches, and shall on the
first Monday in May, in eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-six, and on every first Monday thereafter, pub-
lish in some newspaper, in Talbot and Caroline
True account.
counties, the dividend to be made of the said clear
profits thereof among the stockholders, and at the
time and place where the same shall be paid.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That if any person or
persons shall wilfully break or destroy with intent
to injure said bridge, or part of said bridge, or shall
wilfully obstruct the passage of any part of said
bridge, he or she so offending shall, each of them,
Break or des-
forfeit and pay to the said president and directors,
and company, not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars,
to be recovered before any justice of the peace in
the manner and subject to the same rules and regu-
lations as debts under fifty dollars are recovered.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors and company, or a majority of them,
if necessary, may agree to, and with the owners of
any land, on which it is intended to abut the said
bridge, and build a toll-bridge from or through
which it may be necessary to extend a road, for the
purchase thereof, and in case of dissatisfaction, or
in case the owner or owners, shall be a feme covert,
under age, non compos mentis, or out of the State, on
application to a justice of the peace of the county,
the said justice shall issue his warrant under his
hand and seal, to the Sheriff of Talbot, or to the
May agree to.