session eighteen hundred and seventy-four, be and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to
read as follows:
10. And be it enacted, That the metes and bounds
of the said Town of Hillsborough shall extend from
east side of Tuckahoe Creek Bridge, until it inter-
sects the division line between F. Tate Barton and
Dr. Thomas Hackett; thence up the said easterly
direction until it intersects the division line between
Dr. Thomas Hackett and William Wilkinson; thence
up said line in an easterly direction until it strikes
the public road leading from Hillsborough to Greens-
borough, at the Colored M. E. Church; thence along
west side of said road, southerly course, until it in-
tersects with public road leading from Hillsborough
to Denton; thence along said road in a westerly di-
rection until it strikes the public road leading from
Hillsborough to Tuckahoe Neck Road; thence along
said road in a southerly direction until it strikes the
division line between Asbury Prouse and James W.
Holt; thence along said line, a due west course,
until it strikes Tuckahoe Creek; thence along the
meanderings of said creek, east side, until it inter-
sects with starting point at said Tuckahoe Creek
Metes and
Bridge aforementioned; all property within said
limits shall be subject to such taxes and charges as
may be deemed necessary by said commissioners, or
a majority of them, to support and maintain the ex-
penses which may be at any time incurred in the
Subject to
improvement of said town; provided, said tax shall
not exceed the sum of fifteen cents on the one hun-
dred dollars for any one year; and the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power
to appoint an assessor, who shall enter upon the du-
ties as soon as practicable after having taken an oath
that he will value the property of said town correctly
and impartially, and make a proper and timely re-
turn of such valuation to the board of commissioners.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1876.
In force.