shall specify the particular object of the call; and if
at any such called meetings a majority (in value) of
the stockholders of said company are not present in
person or by proxy, such meeting shall be adjourned
from day to day without transacting any business,
for any time not exceeding three days, and if within
said three days stockholders having a majority (in
value) of the stock subscribed do not attend, such
meeting shall be dissolved.
Specify object.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That at the regular
annual meetings of the stockholders of said com-
pany, it shall be the duty of the president and direc-
tors in office for the preceding year to exhibit a clear
and distinct statement of the affairs of the company
in detail; and at any called meetings of the stock-
holders, a majority of those present may require
similar statements from the president and directors,
whose duty it shall be to furnish them when thus
required: and at all general meetings of the stock-
holders, a majority (in value) of all the stockholders
Statement of
in said company, may remove from office any presi-
dent or any of the directors of said company, and
may appoint others in their stead.
May remove
from office.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That every president
and director of said company, before he acts as such,
shall swear or affirm as the case may be, that he will
well and truly discharge the duties of his said office
to the best of his skill and judgment.
Shall swear or
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors, or a majority of them, may appoint
all such officers, engineers, agents or servants what-
soever, as they may deem necessary for the transac-
tion of the business of the company, and may remove
any of them at their pleasure; and they or a majority
of them shall have power to determine by contract
the compensation of all the engineers, officers,
agents or servants in the employ of said company,
and to determine by their by-laws the manner of
adjusting and settling all accounts against the com-
pany, and also the manner and evidence of transfers
of stock in said company, and they or a majority of
them, shall have power to pass all by-laws which
they may deem necessary or proper for exercising
May appoint