manded for the space of sixty days next after the
time the same shall be due and payable, the stock on
which it is demanded shall be forfeited to the com-
pany, and may be sold by the said president and di-
rectors for the benefit of the company, but the presi-
dent and directors may remit any such forfeiture on
such terms as they shall deem proper.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That if the subscription
herein made necessary to the incorporation of the
said company shall not be obtained within five years
after the first opening of the subscription books by
the said commissioners, all subscriptions under it
shall be null and void, and the said commissioners,
after discharging the expenses of opening the books,
shall return the residue of the money paid in upon
such subscriptions to the several subscribers, in
proper proportions to the sums respectively paid in
by them.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That at the expiration
of the ten days for which the books are first opened,
if two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the
capital stock, shall have been subscribed, or if not,
as soon thereafter as the same shall be subscribed,
if within five years after the first opening of the
books, the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall call a general meeting of the subscribers at
such time and place as they may appoint, and shall
give like notice to that required for the opening of
the subscription books of the said company; and at
such meeting the said commissioners shall lay the
subscription books before the subscribers then and
there present, and thereupon the said subscribers,
Call general
or a majority of them, shall elect twelve directors
by ballot to manage the affairs of said company;
and these twelve directors, or a majority of them,
shall have the power of electing a President of said
company, either from among the directors or others,
and of allowing him such compensation for his ser-
vices as they may deem proper; and in said election,
and on other occasions wherein a vote of the stock-
holders of said company is to be taken, each stock-
holder shall be allowed one vote for every share
owned by it, him or her, and every stockholder may