authorized and requested to apply to the President
of the United States for the appointment of a board
consisting of three commissioners, to be detailed
from the corps of engineers of the army and from
the officers employed in the Coast Survey, who shall
have power: 1. To cause the harbor and the adja-
and requested.
cent waters, lands, wharves and docks to be surveyed
in order to ascertain the present condition and lines
of the said harbor and of the Patapsco river adjacent
thereto, and whether the navigation thereof is im-
properly obstructed, and whether any further exten-
sions of piers, wharves bulkheads or other structures
into said harbor ought to be allowed and to what
extent, and whether any grants, licenses or privileges
already given by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore for the extension of such works, will, if exe-
cuted, impair, obstruct or encroach upon the navi-
gation of said harbor or the free and beneficial gen-
eral use thereof: 2. To report the result of the sur-
veys and examinations thus made to the Governor of
Maryland with all convenient dispatch. 3. To re-
commend to the next General Assembly the estab-
lishment and definition of the outer water-lines of said
harbor, beyond which no erection or permanent ob-
struction of any kind shall be permitted, and to sub-
mit such provisions as they may deem wise and
necessary in respect to the enlarging or tilling up
of the basin, docks, coves and recesses, or any part
thereof; the size, position and extent of piers, wharves
and bulkheads within the outer water-lines of said
harbor, and to present such other recommendations
as in their judgment maybe calculated to preserve for-
ever the free navigation and general beneficial use of
said harbor and river. 4. To cause to be prepared and
Survey harbor
submitted with their report, maps of the said harbor
and its adjacent waters, exhibiting the outer waiter-
lines recommended by them, and the lines of existing
piers, wharves and bulkheads, accompanied with
such field notes, measurements and elucidations as
they may consider necessary to a full exposition and
understanding of the subject.
Prepare maps.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum
of five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to
pay the expenses of the said commissioners, out of