Repealed and
hundred and one of the act passed January session
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "an act
to repeal certain sections therein enumerated, of
article four of the Code of Public Local Laws, and
supplement thereto, title ' City of Baltimore, ' sub-title
'Courts, '" be repealed and re-enacted so as to read
as follows:
Stated terms.
SECTION 1. The stated terms of the Superior Court
of Baltimore city, of the Court of Common Pleas in
the City of Baltimore, Baltimore City Court and the
Criminal Court of Baltimore, shall commence on the
second Monday of January; the second Monday in
May, and the second Monday in September in each
Return days.
SECTION 2. In addition to the first day of each term
of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, the Court of
Common Pleas, and Baltimore City Court, the second
Monday in February, March. April, June, July,
October, November and December in each year shall
be return days.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 16, 1876.
AN ACT to repeal section eight of chapter five hun-
dred and six of the acts of eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, entitled " an act for the taxation of
dogs in the State of Maryland, " and to re-enact the
same with an amendment.
Repealed and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section eight of chapter five hundred
and six, of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, entitled " an act for the taxation of dogs in the