Gaston, Judge WIT... 137 (note).
George, Joshua,283.
Gist, Christopher, 30.
Gordon, Patrick, 301.
Graham, Gov. (N. C.), quoted, i
202-203. 1
Gray, Francis, 452-454.
''Great Western River and Trans-
portation Co.," 205.
"Greensboro Convention" (1838).
130 (note).
"Greenville and Roanoke Rail- ,
road Co.." 193-194. 198.
"Halifax and Weldon Railroad
Co.," 194.
Hamilton. Andrew, 320-321. •
Hamilton, Gen.. 32 (note). '
Hanilan, Doyle 0., 190. ;
Hanna, Samuel, 30 (note). '
"HanSatsu." (See"ClanNotes.'')
Hart, Capt. John, 275, 288, 294,
3i9. 327.
Harvey, Sir John, 375, 380-381,
388-389, 404-407, 410-413.
Haulsey, Richard. 308.
Hawks, Dr., 287 (note), 288, 200.
293, 295.
Hawley. Jerome. 368-370. 379-
380, 404-405. 407, 421, 423.
433, 442-444. 454.
Haw river improvements. 17?.
Henderson. Jacob. 288. 200-391.
Hendricks, Gov. (Indiana), 38.43.
Henry. Robert, 333.
Henry. Robert Jenkins, 334.
Heyward. John. 122.
Holden. W. W., 138.
Howard, Michael, 283.
Huntington county (Ind.), 95.
Hutchins. Thomas, 23, 24-25.
Hutchinson,, Gov., quoted. 475.
Hyde, John, 300 (note), 301.
Hyde. Samuel. 290-291, 298-290.
300 (note).
Iberville, 27.
Illinois, favors Wabash canal. 38-
Indiana, and Wabash canal. 38-
39, 45-48, 49-50. 51-64.
state debt. 59-74-
growth, 93-96.
immigration. 95-98.
indu'-tries a;irt commerce. 08-
Indians. (See ''Maryland," etc.)
Internal improvements. (Sec
"North Carolina," etc.*
Iroquois, 25. 28.
Jamaica, English statutes in.484-
James, Mrs. Gertrude, 398, 416,
James, Rev. Richard. 398, 474..
James River canal, 107.
Japan, paper currency in. -•13-
historic issues, 215.
revolution of 1868. 217-219.
early financial measures, 220-
fir-t currency issue, 22^-226.
opposition, 227-229.
depreciation. 229-230.
causes, 234-233.
remedial measures, 230-23?
varieties of currency, 236-.;5J.
"clan notes," 236-240.
government notes. 240-241.
civic department notes. 241-242,
treasury convertible notes. 24.;-
246. '
colonial convertiblecertifi;:ites,
l 246-247.
"new paper money." 247-^5.;.
improved paper money, -'52.
redemption, 253-267.
national banks. 2^(1. 2(io. ^u-
• 266.
currency depreciation. 254. -57-
financial measures^ 2,4--55. -'57-
258. 260-262. 264-267;.
• "Bank of Japan." 2Ci2-2(if'
bibliogranhy, 268.
Jefferson. Tho=.. l.-,2.
Jennings. Gov. (-Indiana), quot-
ed. 37.
Jennings. Edmund. 333.
Jennings, Congressman. 38.
Tennip-an, T. R.. quoted. 26;.
Jesuits. (See "Maryi;ri(i." Aj-
i tham." "CopSey." "'White.")
Tones, Eenj., 18;.
Jones., Jos., 181.
Kaskaskia. 18. 2r. 27.
Keith. Goy. fPa.l. 490-491.
Kemp. Richard. 426-427.
Kent Island See "Claiborne,"
"Maryland," etc.)