Volume 194, Page 688 View pdf image (33K) |
688 22 & 23 CAR. 2, CAP. 20, IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. STATUTES Made at WESTMINSTER, Anno vicesimo secundo & tertio CAROLI secundi Regis, Stat. 2, and A. D. 1670. CAP. XX. (STAT. 2, CAP. 7.) An Act for the Relief and Release of poor distressed Prisoners for Debt. XIII. And whereas it is become the common Practice of Gaolers and Keepers of Newgate, the Gatehouse at Westmin- ster, and sundry other Gaols and Prisons, to lodge together in one Room or Chamber and Bed, Prisoners for Debt and Felons, whereby many Times honest Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and others, Prisoners for Debt, are disturbed and hindred in the Night-time from their natural Best, by Reason of their Fetters and Irons, and otherwise much offended and troubled by their lewd and prophane Language and Discourses, with 508* most horrid Cursing and Swearing, (much accustomed to such Persons); (2) Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall not be lawful hereafter for any Sheriff, Gaoler, or Keeper of any Gaol or Prison, to put, keep, or lodge Prisoners for Debt, and Felons, together in one Boom or Chamber; but that they shall be put, kept, and lodged separate and apart one from another, in distinct Rooms; (3) upon Pain that be, she, or they which shall offend against this Act, or the true Intent and Meaning thereof, or any Part thereof, shall forfeit and lose his or her Office, Place or Imployment, and shall forfeit treble Damages to the Party grieved, to be recovered by Virtue of this Act; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Felons and Prisoners for Debt, not to be lodged together. 1 Ed. 3 Stat. 1 & 2, c. 7. 2 Inst. 35. The Forfeiture for offending against this Act. |
Volume 194, Page 688 View pdf image (33K) |
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