pledges sliall answer for the
debt. (4-) And if they will.
they sliall have the lands and
rents of the debtor, until they
be satisfied of that which they
before paid for him, except
that the debtor can shew him-
self to be acquitted against the
said sureties.
& redditus debitoris quousque
sit ei.s isatisfactum de debito
quod ante pro eo solverunt ni-
si capital' debitor mou straverit
se inde esse quietum versus
eosdem piegios.
Plow. 440. 2 Inst. IS.
The King's Debtor dying, the King shall be first paid.
If any that holdeth of us
Lay-fee do die, and our Sheriff
or Bailiff do shew our Letters
*Patents of our summons for
debt, which the dead man
did owe to us; it shall be law-
ful to our Sheriff or Bailiff to
attach and inroll all the goods
and chattels of Use dead, being
found in the said fee, to the
value of the same debt, by the
sight and testimony of lawful
men, so that nothing thereof
shall be taken away, until we
be clearly paid off the debt;
(21 and the residue shall re-
main to the Executors to per-
form the testament of the
dead; (3) and if nothing be
owing unto us, all the chattels
shall go to the use of the dead
(saving to his wife and chil-
dren their reasonable parts.)
Si aliquis tenons de in>irs
laicuin feodum moriafur & ^i-
cecomes vel ballivus nosier
ostendat litteras nostras 13
paten tes de summoaitione
no.stra de debifo quod defmir-
lus nobis debuit, liceat viceco-
miti vel ballivo nostro atta-
chiare & imbreviare oivinia bonu
^ cat a 11 a defuncti inveuta hi
laico feodo ad valentiam ilhii-;
debiti per visum legalium ho-
minulu ita lain en quod niliil
inde amovealur donee per^i't-
vatur nobis debitum qnod cl<i-
rum fuerit & residuum reiin-
qnatur executoribus ad facien-
dum testamentum defuQcti &
si nichil nobis debeatur ab ip'-o
omnia catalla cedant defuncto
salvis uxore ejus & pueris i]i-
sius rationabilibus partibus
Past. pi. f. 541. Co. pi. f. 564. Fitz. Detinue 62, 56, 58, 60. Bro. Ration.
2, 5, 6. 2 Inst. 32. 33 H. 8. e. 39.