Maryland, now in force.
to be levy'd immediately by Warrant from such Justice
or Head Officer, to the Constable or other Person directed,
and in case any Person shall refuse to execute the
Command or Warrant of such Justice, &c. he shall forfeit
and pay 5 s.
V. Every time any Person shall
Prophanely Swear or
Curse in any Court house, sitting the Court, he or she
shall upon Conviction immediately pay the summ of
10 s. or be set in the Stocks for the space of one hour,
by order of one Justice or Head Officer as aforesaid.
VI. Provided none shall be Prosecuted
for any such
Swearing and Cursing, unless the same be within 10
days after the Offence committed.
VII. Every Justice of Peace or Head
Office as aforesaid,
shall receive such Forfeitures as aforesaid when
levyed, and render a just account thereof to the Justices
of each respective County yearly, at the time of laying
the County Levy, to be disposed of to the uses aforesaid.
Bounds and Limits.
I. 11
3. p. 60. If any man hath a Tract of Land lying
in Woods, and from his first markt
Tree, or otherwise,
run a certain Course and certain
number of Perches
to a Bay, River, Creek or Branch,
which have a constant
Stream or certain Channel; if the
number of Perches fall
short, in such case, if adding 50
per Cent. thereto will
reach the said Bay, River, &c.
exprest in the Grant, the
Line shall be extended thereto.
And where the said
Line intersects the Water of the
said Bay, River, &c.
which are exprest in such Grant,
such Intersection shall
be deemed the certain point of such
Tract of Land, but
if the said adding of 50 per
Cent. will not reach the said
Bay or River, &c. he shall not
extend his Bounds further
than his certain number of Perches,
to the prejudice of any
later Survey.
If a Tract of Land, by a River, Creek or Branch
side, run a certain Course and number
of Perches from
a certain markt Tree up the River,
&c. to the head
of the said River, &c. and the
Survey do not express
any markt Tree, to which the Line
might be supposed
to come, the said Tract shall be
concluded by the certain