An Abridgment of the Laws of
Free-School at the Town of Oxford, on the Eastern
Shoar of this Province in Talbot County, or where the
Rector and Governors shall see most expedient in that
County. And the same being built, they shall appropriate
and apply to the said 2d Free-School, out of the
Treasure accruing, the sum of 120 l. per an. for the Benefit
and Support of such 2d Free-School, and shall place
there a Master, Usher, and Scribe, as in the first Free-School
aforesaid, who shall in all respects be under the
same Benefits, Injunctions, and Restrictions.
XIII. After the said 2d Free-School
is erected and furnished,
the said Rectors and Governors shall, as fast as
they shall be enabled, proceed to the erecting other
Free-Schools in this Province, viz. in every County
one. And shall be impowered to establish and restrain
them under the same Benefits, Injunctions and Restrictions
as aforesaid, and dispose and apply so much of
the said Revenue, not before disposed, to each Free-School,
as to them shall seem expedient, not exceeding
120 l. as aforesaid.
XIV. A Supplementary Act for Free-Schools,
1694, Repeal'd.
Coopers, and Cask.
I. An. 6 W. & M. 1694.
23. All Tobacco Hogsheads
shall be 48 inches in length, and 32 inches in the
head. And the Cooper that shall not observe the Gage
aforesaid shall forfeit the Cask. The matter to be try'd
and adjudg'd by the Justices of the County Court where
such person inhabits.
II. Every Cooper agreeing with any
Inhabitant of
this Province to make his Tobacco Cask, shall set up
and finish one half of the said Cask by the 10th of October
next ensuing such agreement or undertaking, and
the other moiety by the 10th of December following, under
the penalty of the sum of 100 l. of Tobacco, for every
Tun of Cask left unmade at the times aforesaid, unless
hindred by Sickness or some other lawful Impediment.
III. Timber designed for Tobacco Hogsheads
shall be
fallen and sawed by the 1st of April yearly, that the
same may be well season'd, under the Penalty of 100 l.
of Tobacco for every Hogshead made of Timber not to