Maryland, now in force.
grant their Warrant to the Sheriff of the County, requiring
him to impannel a Jury of Freeholders next adjacent,
which Commissioners and Jury shall proceed as
directed by an Act of Assembly, intituled, An Act impowering
the Commissioners of the several Counties to take up
and purchase Lands for their County Court Houses. V. inf.
Courts. S. 9.
V. An. 11 W. 3. 1699.
52. As often as the necessity
of each respective Parish Church shall require Repairs of
Supplies, the Vestry-men and Churchwardens thereof,
shall apply themselves to the Justices of the County
Court, who shall raise by equal Assessment by the Pole
on the Inhabitants of such Parish, such sums of Tobacco
as shall be adjudged necessary, not exceeding the sum of
10 l. of Tobacco per Pole in one year; which shall be
levy'd by the Sheriff, and by him paid to the Vestry-men
of the respective Parish, who shall give a True account
to the said Justices, how, and for what they have laid
out the same.
Colledges and Schools.
I. An.
Dom. 1696. p. 40. Enacted, that for the propagation
of the Gospel, and the Education
of the Youth
of this Province in good Letters
and Manners, a
certain Free-School or Schools,
or place of Study of Latin,
Greek, Writing and the like,
consisting of one Master, one
Usher, and one Writing-Master to
a School, and 100
Scholars, more or less, may be made,
erected, founded
and established, to be called King
William's School, and
under his Patronage, and the Arch-bishop
of Canterbury
to be Chancellour of the said Schools.
To be managed by
certain Trustees in the Act named,
and their Successors.
The said Schools to be erected at Ann-Arundel
Town, upon Severn River,
and at such other place or
places, as by the General Assembly
shall be thought
convenient, to be supported and
maintain'd in all time
The said Trustees, or longest livers of them, are
enabled to take, hold, and enjoy.
Mannors, Lands,
Tenements, Rents, Rectories, &c.
and all other Inheritances,
&c. whatsoever, Spiritual or
Temporal, to the
value of 1500 l. Sterling,
and all Goods, Chattels, Money