twenty-one, of the Code of Public Local Laws for Wash-
ington county, relating to Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables in said county," and to amend and re-enact said
section two hundred and four, article twenty-one of the
said Code, to read as follows. . . . . .
No. 45. An act to repeal sections one hundred and fifty-
one, one hundred and. fifty-two, one hundred and fifty-
three, and one hundred and fifty-four, of article four, of
the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to Coroners and
Inquests, in the City of Baltimore, and to substitute there-
for the following. . ......
No. 46. An act making sundry appropriations for the sup-
port of the Government for the year ending the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. .
No. 47. An act to authorize the Mayor and Councilman of
the City of Cumberland, to issue bonds for the purpose
of providing for the payment of the debts, other than
bonded of said city, and for the extension of water mains throughout the portions of said city, not yet provided
therewith. ........
No. 49. An act amendatory of an act passed January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter three
hundred and eighty-one, entitled "An act to incorporate
the Merchants' and Mechanics' Fire Insurance Company
of Baltimore." ........
No. 50. An act to amend the act of January session.
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, chapter two hundred
six, entitled " an act to incorporate the Lincoln Coal,
Iron, Fire-brick: and Oil Company, of Allegany county,"
by adding thereto certain additional sections, changing
its name and providing for an increase of the number of
the directors of the said company and of its capital stock.
and for the appointment of a Vice-President to said com-
pany ..........
, 67
-No. 51. An act to release William W. Watkins, Josiah
Groves, Benjamin H. Dorsey, J. Wolfersberger, S. F.
Cobb, William B. Collier, Samuel Burgess, "William H.
Scott, H. E. Wootton, George Burgess, Beal Helm and