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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3356   View pdf image (33K)
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direct and appoint, elect twelve of the contributors
to act as Managers of the General Dispensary, and
the persons so elected shall be entitled to hold their
office until a new election shall take place; the Man-
agers for the time being shall have power to fill all
vacancies in their own body, occasioned by the death,
resignation, or refusal to serve, or removal from the
city and its precincts, of any manager; to appoint
their own President and all other officers of the In-
stitution; to fix the salary of the Apothecary and
attending physician, and prescribe their duties; to
remove or displace any of the officers of the said
Institution whom they may adjudge to be guilty of
misconduct or neglect of duty, and appoint a person
to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned, until the next
annual election; to regulate the expenses and man-
age the funds of the Institution; to make such rules
and by-laws as may be necessary to carry into effect
the provisions of this charter in the most full and
beneficial manner, or as they may think necessary
for the promotion, regulation, government, or con-
venience of the said General Dispensary, the same
not being contrary to the laws and constitution of
this State or of the United States; and generally to
do all acts and things which may appertain to them
to do.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said President
and Managers may call a meeting of the contribu-
tors at any time when they think the interest of the
Institution may require, and any five of the mana-
gers shall be a quorum to exercise the powers and
execute the duties granted and required by this Act,
and may, during the absence of any officer, appoint
an officer pro tempore to supply his place.
Approved April 1, 1872.

To fix salary.
Make rules.
May call a


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3356   View pdf image (33K)
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