tional part of a year; in addition to the above li-
cense or tax, there shall be paid by each company
doing business in this State the following fees to de-
fray the expenses of executing the provisions of this
Act: upon filing the declaration or certified copy of
charter, twenty-live dollars; upon filing' the annual
statement' or certificate in Lieu thereof, twenty dol-
lars; for each certificate of authority, which each
sub-agent or solicitor is hereby required to obtain,
and certified copy thereof, two dollars; for ever)
copy of any paper filed in the department, the sum
of twenty cents per folio, and for fixing the official
sea) to such copy and certifying to the same, one
dollar; for valuing policies of life insurance compa-
nies, thirty dollars per million of insurance, or any
fraction thereof; for official examination of compa-
nies under tills Act the actual expenses incurred;
pronged, that the riling of the papers wit!) the Insu-
rance Commissioner, as provided by this Act, shall
be in lieu of all papers now required by law to
be filed with the Comptroller and the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Baltimore city.
32. Every insurance company, including individ-
uals, partnerships, joint stock associations and cor-
porations, conducting any branch of insurance busi-
ness in tins State, must transmit to the Insurance
Commissioner a statement of its condition and busi-
ness for the rear ending on the preceding thirty-first
day of December, which statement shall be rendered
on the first day of January following, or within sixty
days thereafter, except that foreign companies shall
transmit their statement of business, other than that
done in the United States, prior to the following first
day of July, which statements must he in form and
state the particulars required by the blanks pre-
scribed by the Comptroller; and the Insurance Com-
missioner may require, at any time, statements from
any company doing business within this State, or
from any of its officers or agents, on such points as
be deems necessary and proper to elicit a fall exhibit
of its business and standing, all of which statement..
herein required must be verified by the signatures
and oath of the President or Vice-President, with
Must trans-
mit statement.
of its condi-
May require