to be receiv'd
in exchange.
In force.
ling debt of the State, shall be receivable in payment
for said loan; the former at not exceeding par, and
the latter not exceeding four dollars and eighty-four
cents per pound sterling, under such regulations as
the Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer may pre-
scribe; and every bidder for the loan now authorized
to be issued, shall state in his proposal whether the
same is to be paid in cash, or in the bonds, or certifi-
cates of indebtedness of the State.
SEC. 6. And he if enacted. That any law or parts of"
any law, now on our [our] statute books, inconsistent
with either, any or all of the preceding sections of
this law, be and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 7. And be It enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Creating a
new election
AN ACT to create an additional election district in
Prince George's county, to be styled the Eleventh
Election District of Prince George's county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all that portion of the county now
included within the eighth, fourth and fifth election
districts of Prince George's county, and lying within
the following bounds, he and the same is hereby
created a separate and distinct election district, to be
called Brandywine, and denominated the Election
District of Prince George's county, to wit: Begin-
ning for the same at the intersection of Burche's
branch with the public road leading from Washing-
ton city to T. B. in Piscataway district, thence up the
said branch with the Piscataway and Nottingham
district line to the Marlboro' district line; thence with
said Marlboro' district line to its intersection with the
public road from Paul Talbert's to Groom's, at the