Ratified and
AN ACT to ratify and confirm the appointment by
the Governor, of Daniel Clarke and Sidney J.
Wailes, as commissioners on behalf of the State
of Maryland, to prosecute the settlement of the
claims of said State against the Government of the
United States, for expenses incurred under the
Act of Congress approved on the twenty-seventh
of July, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
one, and fixing the commission on the amount
hereafter to be recovered by them and paid into
the Treasury of said State, to be paid to them in
full of their services and expenses, and providing
for the filling of any vacancy caused by the death,
or refusal, or failure to act as such, of the commis-
sioners herein named.
it SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the appointment by the Governor
of Daniel Clarke, of Prince George's county, and
Kidney J. Wailes, of "Wicomico county, as commis-
sioners on belhalf of the State of Maryland, to prose-
cute the settlement of the claims of the said State
against the Government of the United States, for
expenses incurred under the Act of Congress, ap-
proved on the twenty-seventh day of July, in the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be and the same is
hereby fully ratified and confirmed, and they are
hereby allowed a commission of thirty per cent. upon
the first ten thousand dollars, and a commission of
twenty per cent. on such further sum as shall be re-
covered by them and paid by the Government of the
United States into the Treasury of the State of Mary-
land, as full compensation for their services and ex-
penses, in the prosecution of said claims of the said
State against the United States; it being the intent
and meaning of this General Assembly that the said
commissioners shall not claim or receive from the said
State any other or further compensation for their ser-