other law, and pay the amount directed by law, to
be paid thereout, and charge them to said fund, and
shall invest the balance remaining in the Treasury
to its account for the benefit of said fund, to be here-
after disposed of under the direction of the General
Assembly of Maryland, for building a warehouse or
warehouses in the City of Baltimore, for the accom-
modation of the grain trade of this State.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the Weigher Gen-
eral may appoint as many assistants, weighers and
measurers of grain as the demands of trade require
and fix their compensation; provided it shall not be
more than one-fourth of a cent a bushel, one-half to
he paid by the buyer and the other half by the seller,
and may dismiss them for neglect of or improper
discharge of duty, but before said measurers shall
perform any duty each shall take an oath before
some Justice of the Peace for the faithful and im-
partial performance of the duties of the office.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted. That no person except
those appointed under this article, shall weigh or
measure any grain in the City of Baltimore that may
arrive for sale, as provided by this law, under the
Penalty of twenty-five dollars for every offence, to
be recovered in the name of the State, for the use of
the informer, before any Justice of the Peace for the
City of Baltimore.
SEC. 21. And he it enacted, That the Weigher Gen-
eral and the Assistant Weighers, to be appointed by
virtue of tins Act, unless prevented by sickness or
inability, shall attend to their respective duties in
person, and not by deputy, under a penalty of five
hundred dollars, one-half to go to the informer, and
the other to the State.
SEC. 22. And be It enacted. That tills Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
No person to
weigh grain
except those
To attend to
the duties in
In force,