AN ACT to amend the Public Local Laws of
Prince George's county, by adding thereto addi-
tional sections, to come in after section one hun-
dred and eighty-two, of article sixteen, of the Code
of Public Local Laws, entitled Prince George's
county, imposing a tax on dogs, and appropriating
a portion of said taxes as a reward for killing
foxes, and to the support of schools in said county.
Local law SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
amended. Maryland, That the Public Local Laws of article
sixteen, of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled
Prince George's county, be amended by the addi-
tion of the following sections:
Number of SEC. 183. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
dogs allowed. Maryland, That every dog in Prince George's county,
except one dog to each and every family, and dogs
under the age of six months, and such as are taxed
by the incorporated towns within the limits of said
county, shall be liable to an annual tax of one dollar
Rate of tax tor each and every male, and one dollar and a-half
('or same. for each and every female, commencing on the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and
that any and every owner of such animal or animals,
who shall fail or refuse to pay the aforesaid tax, shall
be liable to a fine of five dollars and costs, to be
recovered in the name of the County Commissioners
of said county, as small debts are now recoverable
before any Justice of the Peace of said county, one-
half of the said fine to go to the County Commis
sioners aforesaid, for the purposes hereinafter speci-
fied, and the other half to the informer or informers;
Proviso, provided, however, that any owner who shall kill any
dog rather than pay such tax, shall not be liable for
such tax or fine.
Duty of SEC. 184. And be it enacted. That it shall be the
Constables, duty of the several constables in the said county to
kill each and every dog in his election district for
which no owner can be found, or upon which dog or