To examine
for inspection
To keep
Not to con-
flict with.
hundred dollars; and any owner or renter of a
steam boiler or boilers who shall neglect or refuse to
place his certificate of inspection on the premises as
prescribed in section six of this Act, shall pay a fine
of five dollars for each day's refusal or neglect.
' SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the inspec-
tors shall have power to examine the engineers and
assistants in charge of boilers, and if any engineer
or assistant is found incompetent or addicted to in-
temperance, the inspector shall notify the owner or
renter and withdraw the certificate of inspection,
until such engineer or assistant is displaced.
SEC. 11. And he it farther enacted. That before
issuing any certificate of inspection the inspectors
shall demand and receive from the owner or renter
of the boiler or boilers as a compensation for the
inspection, and the examinations to be made during
the year as hereinbefore provided, the following
sums: for every boiler of ten horse-power or Jess,
five dollars, when the boiler is above ten horse-power,
five dollars for the first ten, and twenty-five cents
additional for each horse-power in excess of that
SEC. 12. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty
of each inspector to keep a correct record of the
locations of all boilers in his district, when each
boiler was inspected, the condition of the same at
the rime of inspection, the instructions given to the
engineers in charge, the certificates issued, and the
amount of steam pressure allowed, in each certifi-
cate, and the boilers condemned or ordered to be
repaired; also a correct account of all money
received or paid out, and shall report the same
annually to the Comptroller of the State.
SEC. 13. And he it further enacted, That the inspec-
tors shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred
dollars each, and all money collected in excess of
that and the actual expenses of tire office, shall be
paid over to the Treasurer of the State.
SEC. 14. And be it farther enacted. That nothing in
this Act shall conflict with the ordinance of the