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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2718   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to enable or advise the County Commissioners of Allegany county, under article one of
the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Allegany
County," under the head of " County Commission-
ers," to appoint a County Treasurer to receive and
disburse the County taxes under their orders, by
adding after section twenty of article one, the
following sub-sections thereto:
SOB-SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Generall Assem-
bly of Maryland,That the Commissioners of Allegany
county, as soon after the passage of tins Act as they
may deem expedient, and thereafter, at their annual
meetings in April of every year, may appoint a fit
person, a resident of said county, to act as County
Treasurer for the period of one year, and until a
successor be appointed and qualified, but removable
at their pleasure.
SUB-SEC. 2. That said Treasurer, before entering
upon the duties of his office, shall execute a bond to
the State of Maryland, with security to be approved
by said County Commissioners, in the penalty of
double the amount of the tax levied for the current
year for the county, conditioned for the true and
faithful performance of the dirties of the office of
Treasurer, which bond shall he recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county,
and a certified copy thereof shall he evidence in any
Court in this State; and in default of said Treasurer"
executing said bond within ten days after lie is noti-
fied of his appointment, lie shall forfeit his office,
and the County Commissioners may declare the said
office vacant, and may proceed to fill the same
by the appointment of a suitable person for the
remainder of the term, in his stead, and such
appointee shall, before lie enters upon the duties of
his office, execute and deliver a bond of the tenor
and in the like manner as hereinbefore directed; and
in case of a vacancy in said office of Treasurer, in'
consecquence of death, resignation, removal or dis-

Execute bond


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2718   View pdf image (33K)
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