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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2701   View pdf image (33K)
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Applicant for
Make oath or
Bona fide
Paint numb'r
on outside.
clerk of the said court for said county, and before
the issuing and delivery of the same, according to
the following rates, viz: for every canoe or boat
measuring in length twenty feet or less, the sum of
five dollars; measuring from twenty to twenty-five
feet, the sum of eight dollars; measuring from
twenty-five to thirty 'feet, the sum of ten dollars;
and all over thirty feet in length, including sloops
under Custom House tonnage, the sum of twenty
dollars each; and the said license shall be exhibited
whenever called upon to do so by any officer of the
State of Maryland, or other person authorized to de-
mand the same.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That every applicant for
a license to use or employ any canoe or other boat,
not exceeding five tons burthen, according to Cus-
tom House measurement, in taking or catching oys-
ters with scoops in the waters described in section
one, of this Act, shall be required to make oath or
affirmation before the Clerk of the Circuit Court,
for said county, or before some Justice of the Peace
for said county, upon whose certificate of the taking
of such oath or affirmation, the said clerk may issue
said license; that the facts set forth in said license
are strictly true, that he has been a bona fide resident
of said county for the twelve months next preceding
his application for said license, that he desires and
intends to use said canoe or boat only in said county,
and that he will comply with and obey all the pro-
visions of the laws of this State regulating the catch-
ing or taking of oysters, and every person to whom
such license shall have been granted, shall paint the
number of Ins canoe or other boat on the outside
thereof, near the gunwale, in black figures not less
than five inches in length and of proportionate width
on a white ground, and no number other than that
in the said license be exposed to view on said canoe or
boat, and any person neglecting or refusing to com-
ply with this provision, before using or employing
the said canoe or other boat, for the purpose aforesaid,
shall, on conviction thereof before a Justice of the
Peace for said county, be fined not less than five
dollars nor more than ten dollars, one-half to be paid


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2701   View pdf image (33K)
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