Mining and Manufacturing Company,'" passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
chapter one hundred and sixty-six, be and the same
is hereby revived and so far amended, that John
Swan, Henry M. Warfield and Alexander F. Mur-
doch, instead of John Swan, Gustav. Lurman and
Jacob G. Davis, who were named as corporators by
the first section of said original Act, the last two
"named of whom, are since deceased, and the owners
of the shares of stock in said original Act authorized
to b e created, be and they are hereby made a body
corporate, in law and in fact, by the name of the
Manor Mining and Manufacturing Company, and
"that they, or a majority of them, shall have power to
carry the said original Act into effect in like manner,
and as fully in all respects, as if they had been origi-
nally constituted for that purpose in the said original
Act of incorporation.
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 12, 1872.
Revived and
of incorpora-
Power to car-
ry original
Act into effect
In force
AN ACT to repeal certain sections of, and amend
the charter of the Old Town Savings Institution of
Baltimore, as contained in an Act entitled " an Act
to incorporate the Old Town Savings Institution
of Baltimore," passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-eight, and to repeal an Act passed
at January session, eighteen hundred and sixty,
entitled " an Act to amend an Act to incorporate
the Old Town Savings Institution of Baltimore,"
passed at January session, eigliteen hundred and
fifty-eight, and re-enact parts of the same with
amendments; and to change the name of said body
corporate to the Old Town Bank of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections three, four, five, six, eight,
Sections re-