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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2573   View pdf image (33K)
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966 INDEX.
House bill to punish the shooting of foxes in,
356, 383, 445.
House bill enabling Judges to make recommen-
dations, 466, 528, 595.
Leave for a bill to change name of Potato Neck
District in, 415, 538, 584, 616.
Leave for a bill to appropriate money to Marion
School House in, 563.
House bill confirming the bequest of Isaac Ster-
ling, late of, 693, 717, 766.
House bill incorporating the Princess Anne Cir-
cuit of the M. E. Church of, 685, 697, 769.
STEINER, SENATOR—Remarks of, 799, 800.
ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE—Memorial from Visitors and Gov-
ernors of, 254, 524.
Senate bill for the relief of, 524, 679, 680, 681,
ST. MARY'S COUNTY—Leave for a bill to refund money
erroneously paid by Francis M. Goddard and
Charles L. Fowler, 252, 622.
Leave for a bill to refund money erroneously
paid by R. J. Marshall, 270.
Leave for a bill authorizing Commissioners to
subscribe to the Washington City and Point Look-
out Bail Road, 319, 326, 593, 683.
Petition for Poorhouse to bo controlled by Com-
missioners of, 325.
Leave for an amended bill relating to fish and
terrapins in, 368, 386, 492.
House bill regulating the time and manner of
catching terrapins in, 467, 495, 549, 606.
Report from Female Seminary of, 488.
House bill to refund money to R. N. Milburn
of, 560, 594, 648.
SUBSTITUTES—Petitions for relief for those who furnished
and paid commutation money, 254, 266, 349.
SUNDAY LAW—Resolutions from Baltimore, 457, 567.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2573   View pdf image (33K)
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