mon Pleas of Baltimore city, of the Baltimore City Court, of
the Circuit Court of Baltimore city and of the Criminal Court
His Baltimore city,
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.
The bill entitled an Act to incorporate a House of Refuge
for colored children, and to appo'priate a sum of money to the
Was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.
On motion by Mr. Marbury,
The vote by which the bill entitled an Act to add a new
section to Article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws, enti-
tled "Baltimore city," said section to be entitled Publication
of Legal Notices,
Was reconsidered.
The bill then being upon a second reading.
i Mr. Marbury submitted the following amendments:
Strike out all after the title and insert the following in
lieu thereof:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly The General Assembly cf Mary-
land, That'there shall be added to Article 4, of the Code of
Public Local Laws a new section, to be entitled Publication
of Legal Notices, as follows :
SEC, 1. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Bench of Bal-
timore city, at its first session after the passage of this Act,
to designate by name, one daily newspaper published in the
city of Baltimore, in which shall be inserted one copy of all
notices, advertisements and orders of publication, directed
by law or by any of the Courts of said city, during the time
required by law or rule of Court, without prejudice to the
publication of the same, in any other gapers which may be
selected by the parties interested therein; and a certificate of
the publication of the same in such papers by the publishers
shall be prima facie evidence of the due publication thereof
Provided, however, that nothing therein contained shall be
construed to require the publication in such paper of not
ices of sales by Trustees.
SEC. 2. At least one copy of the paper so designated by the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, shall be furnished by the
publishers thereof, free of cost, to the Sheriff, and Collector
of State and City Taxes, the Register of Wills, the Commis-
sioners of Insolvent Debtors, and the Clerk of each of the
Courts of said city, said papers to be filed by the respective
officers designated for the use of the respective Courts of said