No. 99. An act to lay off streets in Baltimore county,
adjoining Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts in-
consistent therewith..............................................
No. 100. An act entitled an act to repeal article eight of
the Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Mary-
land, from section one hundred and fourteen to one
hundred and thirty-three, inclusive; title, Cecil County;
sub-title, Northeast, and to re-enact the same with
No. 101. An act to amend the act of January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, chapter seventy, enti-
tled "An act to authorize the Baltimore and Ohio Bail-
road Company to build a railroad from a point on the
line of its road within the State of Maryland, between
Knoxville and the Monocacy Junction, through Frede-
rick and Montgomery counties to the boundary of the
District of Columbia, so as to make a direct connection
with the city of Washington/' by amending and re-
enacting the fourth section of said act...................
No. 102. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incor-
porate the Home Missionary Society of the Maryland
Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
sixty, chapter thirty-five .......................................
No. 103. An act to amend the act of eighteen hundred
and forty-one, chapter thirty-two, entitled "An act to
incorporate the Maryland College of Pharmacy," and
to renew and extend said charter.............................
No. 104. An act to prevent incompetent persons from
conducting the business of druggist or apothecary in
the city of Baltimore............................................
No. 105. An act to amend the Public General Laws,
passed January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
five, (chapter thirty-one,) so as to exempt Somerset and
Worcester counties from the effect of the second section
thereof, so far as relates to the publication of the Local
No. 106. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incor-
porate the Towsontown Railroad Company, passed ai
the January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight.