Sarah Smith, Fred. House, Mrs. Jenkins, widow
of Lewis, Mary Rodgers, Alex. Bartlett, Jane Coop-
er, Wm. Devalinger, Ann Frazier, Lucy A,
Houck, Luther Elziz, Samuel Jenning, Emeral
Lawrence, Ann Marriott, Elizabeth Parker, Wm.
Stites, Rebecca Tolson, Lyclia Brown, Maria Bass-
ford, Catharine Riggle, Richard Croxall, Kitty
Cole, Eliz. Jenkins, Ann Hammond, widow of
Thomas, Bassford, Catharine Bateman, Eliz. Car-
roll, Eliz. Donahoe, Laurinda Grove, Eliz. How-
ard, Sarah Gaddes, Ann Kimberly, Cath. Merri-
kin, Cath. C. Porter, Margaret Rouse, Harriet
Shields, Ann Watts, Frederick Baker.
Names of
Provided, That before the Comptroller shall issue
his warrant upon the Treasurer, under the provi-
sions of this Act, he -shall require each and every
one of the aforementioned pensioners to file in his
office the affidavit of two credible witnesses, and
the certificate of the County Commissioners of the
county of which he or she is a resident, and of the
Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore City, if a resident
of said city ; provided, however, that no person in-
terested in such application shall be admitted as a
File affidavit.
witness thereto, and that the Comptroller shall
cause to be presented to the State's Attorney for
the county or city in which oath is made, the
names of all persons whom he shall believe to have
made a false oath or affirmation as to any such
claim, together with the evidence thereof, and the
said State's Attorney shall cause such parties to be
prosecuted therefor.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
of the Treasury shall hereafter require all persons
who may draw pensions under the provisions of
this Act, once in each quarter, reckoning from the
date of the passage of this Act, to file with him an
affidavit of two credible witnesses, and the certifi-
cate of the County Commissioners of the county of
which he or she is a resident, or of the Appeal Tax
Court of Baltimore City, if a resident of said city,
setting forth that the affiants are acquainted with
the claimant, that he or she is a bona fide resident
of the State, and was at the time said service was
rendered, and that he or she is the identical per-
Quarter reck-
son entitled to said pension, and that the claimant
is in indigent circumstances, and that all laws in-
Prove identity