dred dollars per annum, which shall be paid to him
monthly by the Treasurer, upon the warrant of the
Comptroller, and he shall have power to appoint
one first officer, at twelve hundred dollars per an-
num; and one second officer, at six hundred dol-
lars per annum; and one third officer, at nine
hundred dollars per annum, to take charge of one
of the sail-vessels, and one fourth officer, at nine
hundred dollars per annum, to take charge of the
other sail-vessel; one chief engineer, at twelve hun-
dred dollars per annum; three seamen, at thirty dol-
lars per month; two seamen, at twenty-five dollars
per month; six seamen at twenty dollars per month;
one fireman, at thirty-five dollars per month; one
fireman, at thirty dollars per month; one fireman,
at twenty-five dollars per month; one steward, at
twenty-five dollars per month; one cook, at twen-
ty-five dollars per month, and two cooks at twenty
dollars per month, each.
Sec. 36. And be it enacted, That said Commis-
sioners are empowered, and directed to purchase
such arms and ammunition, as shall be necessary
to carry into effect the duties devolved upon said
Oyster Police Force.
Sec. 37. And be it enacted, That the officers and
crew aforesaid, shall each receive one ration per
day, the quality and quantity such as is allowed
by law to the officers and crew of the revenue
marine of the United States.
Paid monthly.
Sec. 38. And be it enacted, That the officers and
crew aforesaid, shall be paid monthly by the Trea-
surer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, and
the certificate of the commanding officer, that
their duty has heen performed as required by law.
Sec. 39. And be it enacted, That the command-
ing officer shall have authority to dismiss from
said service, any officer, or other person, under his
command, whenever in his judgment the interest
of said service may require him to do so.
Sec. 40. And be it enacted, That the command-
ing officer aforesaid is hereby empowered to pre-
scribe rules and regulations for the discipline of
said Oyster Police Force, which shall be submitted
to the Commissioners aforesaid for their considera-
tion, and when duly approved by them, shall have
force of law, and be binding upon the officers and
crew of said force.