Oyster Police.
of the State, hereinafter provided for, to cause the
vessels under his command to be on constant duty,
(unless the condition of said vessels, or the in-
clemency of the weather prevent,) in the waters
of this State, to overhaul and examine the licenses
of all boats or vessels engaged in taking or catch-
ing Oysters in the State, and to arrest all persons
who may be found violating, or who may have
been guilty of any violation of any of the pro-
To seize
all boats vio-
visions of this Article, and to seize all boats or
vessels, with their tackle and furniture, which
may be found on, board such boats or vessels so
engaged, used or employed in violating said pro-
visions, and the said officer so commissioned shall
have power to summon to his aid such number of
persons as may, in his judgment, be necessary and
proper for the safe execution of his commission.
Take into cus-
Sec. 23. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of any officer having charge of or command-
ing such vessels, to take the person or persons so
arrested, and the boat or boats, vessel or vessels
and other property so seized, into his custody, and
cause the said person or persons to be taken be-
fore some Justice of the Peace or a Judge of the
Circuit Court for the county wherein the offense
may have been committed, and if the offense shall
have been committed outside the limits of any coun-
ty, then to take the said person or persons before
Court most
some Justice of the Peace or Judge of the Circuit
Court most convenient or accessible from the place
where such offense shall have been committed;
and it shall be the duty of the Justice of the Peace
or Judge before whom such person or persons shall
have been taken by said officer, to take cognizance
of the same and docket a case or cases in the name
of the State against such person or persons and
the said boat or vessel, and the said Justice or
Judge shall proceed to try the same and render
judgment as provided for in this Article.
Return ac-
Sec. 24. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the officer alluded to in section twenty-
two of this Article, to return to the Commis-
sioners of the Oyster Police Force, at the expir-
ation of every two months, a full and particular
account of his proceedings,