Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That any person re-
sisting any officer or other person authorized to
make arrest and seizure under this Article, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment
and conviction thereof, in any Circuit Court hav-
ing jurisdiction, shall be fined not Jess than fifty
dollars, or more than five hundred dollars, or be
imprisoned in the Jail of the county wherein the
case is tried not less than one month nor more
than one year.
Sec. 16. And be if, enacted, That it shall be un-
lawful for any owner, master, employee or other
person, to use or employ any boat or vessel li-
censed under this Article, to take or catch Oysters
with scoops, scrapes, drag or dredge, or any
similar instrument, in taking or catching Oysters
in any river, creek, cove, inlet, bay or sound
within the limits of any county or lying between
two or more counties of this State, or on any
Oyster-bed, bar or rock within one and a half
miles of Talley's Point, Sandy Point, Hackett's
Point, Thomas' Point, the Three Sisters, Holland's
Point Bar, or on or about Plum Point and Park-
er's creek, on the western side of Chesapeake Bay,
and Swan Point on the eastern side of said bay,
and Eastern bay, inside of a line drawn from the
south-west extremity of Kent Point to north-east
extremity of Poplar Island; and any owner, mas-
ter, employee or other person so offending, shall,
upon conviction thereof before any Justice of the
Peace, or any Judge of any Circuit Court for any
county, be subject to the same fines and penalties,
and the boat or vessel so used or employed be
liable to seizure and forfeiture, as provided in sec-
tion six of this Article; but neither this section,
nor any in this Article shall be construed as a re-
peal of sections ninety-four to one hundred and
one, inclusive, of Article nineteen, of the Code of
Public Local Laws for Somerset county, relating
to Oysters.
Liable to
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That all boats, ves-
sels, or other property condemned under the pro-
visions of this Article, shall be sold by the Sheriff
of the county wherein such boat, vessel, or other
property may have been condemned, at public
gale, to the highest bidder for cash, after giving
Sold at pub-
lic sale.