of voter.
for twelve months prior to the election, and who
are otherwise qualified to vote for delegates to the
General Assembly of Maryland, shall be entitled
to vote for Commissioners.
of Commis-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That no one who has
not resided for two years preceding his election in
the town of Upper Marlborough shall he qualified
to serve as Commissioner, and non-residence shall
create a vacancy.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioners shall meet once a month, or as much
oftener as the public good requires, and shall re-
ceive no compensation for their services. They
shall have power to appoint such officers as they
may deem necessary for the proper carrying into
effect the powers and duties hereby conferred, and
shall define their particular duties and fix their
compensation; they shall take from the person
Give bond.
appointed to collect taxes such bond as they think
sufficient, and the bonds of said collectors shall be
liable to be sued in the same manner as the bonds
of collectors of County and State taxes now are,
and shall require all officers appointed by them to
take an oath, to be by the President administered,
to "faithfully discharge the duties of their office
without fear, favor or partiality." The Commis-
sioners shall, before they enter upon the discharge
of their duties, take a similar oath before some
Justice of the Peace.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That any officer or
officers that the Commissioners may appoint by
virtue of this Act, to preserve the peace and good
order of said town, shall be invested with the same
power that a constable now has under the laws of
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That when the com-
fort, health, convenience or the prosperity of said
town shall require the taking of private property
for the purpose of opening streets or widening the
same, or for any other purpose, the Commissioners
shall issue their warrant to the Sheriff to summon
a jury of twenty persons, who have no pecuniary