from time to time, dividends of the net profits of
the said Company, to make rules, regulations and
and by-laws for the government of the said Com-
pany, and its agents and officers, and to take such
bonds from them for the faithful performance of
their duty as are deemed necessary, to borrow
money if required by the Company, and secure
the same by mortgage on its property.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Directors shall continue in office for one
year, and until the election and qualification of
their successors; the election of their successors
shall take place annually, on the first Tuesday in
May, and from among the stockholders, by ballot,
Hold over.
of which there shall be given due notice of at least
twenty days, and it' such election do not then take
place, the said corporation shall not thereby be
dissolved, but an election may be held on any
other day, due notice thereof being given in the
city of Newtown, in one or more newspapers
printed in that city, at least twenty days before
such election.
Notice of elec-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the stock of this
corporation shall be deemed personal estate, and
shall, with all the effects of the Company, be lia-
ble for its debts, but the stockholders individually
shall not be liable therefor, and the service of any
judicial process on the President, or any four of
the Directors, shall be sufficient service on the
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall injure the works of this corporation,
they shall forfeit and pay the damages sustained
therefrom, to be recovered with costs of suit in
the name of said corporation, before any Court or
Justice of the Peace having cognizance thereof.
Injure — dam-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to give to the said
Company any banking privileges, and the General
Assembly hereby reserves the right to alter, amend
or repeal the charter hereby created, and that
Not to issue.
nothing contained in this Act shall authorize the
gaid Company to erect their gas works or manufac-
tory within two hundred yards of the main street
of Newtown city.