recovered before a Justice of the Peace for said
county, resident in said town, in the name of the
Commissioners, as small debts, and applied to the
benefit of said town; and in all such proceedings
the bailiff shall have the same power, proceed in
the same manner, and have the same fees as con-
stables in cases of small debts, and for police
duties shall be entitled to the same fees as con-
stables in like cases, and all process shall be re-
turnable before some Justice of the Peace resident
in said town.
Power to col-
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners may cause an assessment and valuation by
two good men, to be selected and sworn by the
Commissioners, of all the real and personal prop-
erty in said town, bank stock, bonds, notes and
other evidences of debt excepted, to be made be-
tween the first day of May, and the first day of
June, and may levy on the property assessed an-
nually such sum as may be necessary for the im-
provement of the town, and to carry out the purposes
of this Act, not to exceed in any one year the sum
of three hundred and fifty dollars; and the Com-
missioners may purchase and hold four acres of
land for the use and benefit of said town, three
acres thereof to be eligibly located, and to be en-
closed and kept as a cemetery, to be divided and
apportioned into burial lots, to be sold and dis-
posed of by said Commissioners, at such prices as
they may deem reasonable, the money arising
therefrom, to be appropriated to the enclosing,
keeping and adornment of said cemetery.
Make assess-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the Bailiff and
Clerk shall each attend the meeting of said Com-
missioners and shall each take and subscribe an
oath to be administered by some one of the Com-
missioners for the due and proper discharge of the
duties of their respective offices, and the Commis-
sioners may take bond from the Bailiff for the
faithful performance of the duties of his office.
The Bailiff shall arrest and carry before some Jus-
tice of the Peace, resident in said town, to be dealt
with as hereinbefore provided, any person or
persons found breaking the peace or disturbing
the quiet and order of said town, or violating any
of the ordinances made for securing the safety of
Duty of Bailiff
and clerk.