regulations as they may deem fit and proper to
etiact and prescribe; they may delegate super-
visory powers and control to a Board of School
Commissioners; may prescribe rules for building
school houses and for locating, establishing and
closing schools, and may in general do every act
that may he necessary or proper in the premises.
How controll-
Sec. 2. The Board of Commissioners of Public
Schools of Baltimore City, or by whatever name
the body may be known that has supervisory
powers and control over the public schools of Bal-
timore City, shall have power to examine, appoint
and remove teachers, prescribe the qualifications,
fix the salaries, subject to the approval of the
Mayor and City Council, and select text books for
the schools of said city;provided, such text books
shall contain nothing of a sectarian or partisan
character; the Board of Commissioners of Public
Annual report
Schools, of said city, shall annually make a report
to the Board of State School Commissioners of the
condition of the schools under their charge, to in-
clude a statement of expenditures, the number of
children taught, and such other statistical infor-
mation as may be necessary to exhibit the opera-
tion of the schools.
City Council
to protect.
Sec. 3. The said Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore shall have power and authority to make all
ordinances for the protection of the school houses
and school property, and to punish any person
who may disturb the sessions of the said public
Levy a tax for
the support.
Sec. 4. And the said Mayor and City Council
are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and
collect upon the assessable property in said city,
as other taxes are levied and collected, such amount
of tax as may be necessary to defray all the ex-
penses incurred for educational purposes by said
Mayor and City Council.
CHAPTER 17. — High Schools.
High schools.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of
County School Commissioners when any election
district or any contiguous election districts shall
present a building for u high school in said dis-
trict or districts, to the Board of County School