plicarits shall procure the certificate of the County
Examiner or the City Superintendent, in testi-
mony of their scholastic proficiency, and shall
also file a written declaration that their object in
obtaining admission is to qualify themselves as
Public School Teachers, and that it is their
intention to engage in the profession of teach-
ing within the State; and in case any students
shall fail to 'fulfil the condition upon which they
were admitted, they shall forfeit and pay thirty
dollars for each session they have attended the
Normal School, to he collected as other debts are
collected, and to be applied for the benefit of the
Normal School. If there be not applicants suffi-
cient from any county or the city, then the Board
Certificate of
of State School Commissioners may fill all vacan-
cies, by selecting applicants possessing the requi-
site qualifications, from any other portion of the
State, in the proportion aforesaid.
Fill vacancies.
Sec. 6. In addition to the students admitted from
the counties and the city of Baltimore, who shall
enjoy all the privileges of the school, and be fur-
nished with the use of the text books free of charge,
there may be admitted, in the proportion of one to
two of the scholars selected by the Board of City
and County School Commissioners, other persons
having the requisite qualifications, who shall pay
the sum of twenty-five dollars per session, and pur-
chase their own text books, and be subject in every
respect to the same rules and regulations as the
other students;provided, that the number of stu-
dents sent by the State shall not exceed two hun-
dred, and as long as this number is not exceeded
by the State, or after it shall have been reached
by the State, all remaining vacancies may be filled
by pay scholars to the full capacity of the school.
Terms of ad-
Sec. 7. The Board of State School Commission-
ers shall prescribe the course of study, and super-
vise the school in every particular not provided
for in this law; they shall make provision for
model and experimental Primary and Grammar
Schools, under qualified teachers, in which the
students of the Normal School shall have oppor-
tunity to practice the modes of instruction and
discipline inculcated in the Normal School. The
salary of the teachers of the model and experi-
Course of