Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That said Directors
shall elect from their own body, immediate!)7 after
the organization of the Board, a President and one
or more Vice-Presidents, and they are authorized
to fill all vacancies that may occur in their own
body, or among the officers of the said corporation.
They shall also appoint all other officers, agents
and servants, as they may deem necessary to con-
duct and execute the business of the corporation;
to prescribe their duties, fix their compensation,
and in their discretion to dismiss them; to take
bonds for said corporation from all or any of the
Other officers.
officers, agents or servants, by them so appointed,
with security conditioned in such form as they
may approve, for the faithful performance of the
duties of said officers, agents and servants, and to
secure the said corporation from loss; to invest
the fund of the corporation as they may deem
proper, and generally to do any other act or thing
touching the interest of the said corporation, as
they may deem most beneficial. They may also
admit members upon such terms or conditions as
Bond of
the by-laws may prescribe, make all such by-laws
as may be necessary for the exercise of the afore-
said powers, vested in said corporation, and the
same to alter and repeal at pleasure;provided,
however, that such by-laws shall not be contrary
to any law of this State, or of the United States.
Terms of ad-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of this Company shall not exceed seven hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, divided into seventy-
five hundred shares, of the par value of one hun-
dred dollars each, which may be payable in such
installments and at such times as the Board of
Capital stock.
Directors may determine, and whenever the said
installments so to bo paid shall amount to the par
value of the share or shares of stock so to be paid for,
there shall be issued to such member a certificate,
which shall be transferable on the books of the cor-
poration on such condition as the by-laws may pre-
scribe; the by-laws may fix the entrance and other
lees, and the bonds to be paid by each member or
stockholder at the time of subscribing, and may
limit the number of shares that a member may
hold at any one time, and the corporation shall
have power to enforce the payment of all install-
ments and other dues from its members by such
fines and forfeitures as the Directors may from time
Limit shares.