AN ACT to repeal Section two of Chapter thirty-
one of the Acts of Assembly of eighteen hundred
and sixty-five, in relation to the publication of
Laws, and to re-enact the same with amend-
Repealed and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section two, of Chapter thirty-
one, Acts of Assembly of the session of eighteen
hundred and sixty-five, entitled an Act to add an
Article to the Code of Public General Laws, in re-
lation to the publication of Laws be, and the same
is hereby repealed, and the following section is
hereby enacted in lieu thereof.
Publish local
2. Every Public Local Law, made to take effect
before the first day of June next, after the session
at which it may be passed, shall immediately after
its passage, be published once in each of three suc-
cessive weeks in such newspapers of the respective
counties in which it may operate as the County
Commissioners may direct, and in case any such
law, is to operate in the City of Baltimore, then
once in each week for three successive weeks in
such daily newpapers published in said city, as the
Mayor thereof may direct, and the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, and the County Commission-
ers of the several counties shall provide for pay-
ment of the expenses of such publication, but none
of the provisions of this Act shall apply to either
Somerset, Dorchester, or Worcester counties.
Approved April 4, 1870,