Board of Commissioners an account thereof; but
before said Treasurer shall enter upon the duties
of his office he shall give bond, payable to said
Commissioners, in such penalty as they may fix,
with securities to be approved by them, conditioned
that he will well and faithfully account for all
moneys paid over to him by the bailiff of said
town, or any other person or persons, for the use
and benefit of said Corporation; and shall also
well and truly pay to the order of said Commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, all sums of money
so received by him, and the said bond shall be
recorded among the records of said Corporation.
Lighting the
Sec. 25. And be it enacted, That said Commis-
sioners shall erect lamps and lamp-posts at such
places in said town as they may think proper, and
shall provide for lighting the same.
Erect enclo-
sure for im-
Sec. 26. And be it enacted, That said Commis-
sioners are hereby empowered to erect a suitable
enclosure for the impounding of all hogs found
running at large within the limits of said town,
and in violation of any of its ordinances.
Confine viola-
Sec. 27. And be it enacted, That said Commis-
sioners are hereby empowered to erect or procure
such proper or necessary room or building for the
confinement of such persons as shall he convicted
and committed for fines, misdemeanors or offences
against any ordinance passed by said Board of
Commissioners under this Act.
Sec. 28. And be it enacted, That said Commis-
sioners may and are hereby empowered to provide
for and take care of any person or persons suffer-
ing from accident or otherwise, who are unable to
take care of themselves, and if deemed necessary,
shall have them sent to the "Alms-house" of
Prince George's County, and all expenses so in-
curred shall be repaid to the Commissioners of
said town by the County Commissioners of Prince
George's County, who are hereby authorized and
required to levy annually for such amounts, paya-
ble to the Commissioners of said town.
In force.
Sec. 29. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
lake effect from the date of its passage, and the
General Assembly reserves to itself the right to
amend, alter or repeal this Act at pleasure.
Approved April 4, 1870.