finement as said Board of Commissioners shall
establish within the limits of said town — in the
same manner that commitments are made for fines
and penalties imposed by the Circuit Court of this
State — on conviction for misdemeanor, but the said
Commissioners or a majority of them shall have
power at any time to remit or release the said fines,
penalties and forfeitures and costs or any part
thereof at their discretion, but any party who shall
be fined or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture
may within five days after the same shall be im-
posed and judgment recovered, supercede or stay
the same for thirty days by giving ample personal
security to the Justice of the Peace, and the said
fines, penalties and forfeitures, shall thereafter be
collected as small debts are now collected before a
Justice of the Peace.
To have dis-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners may as often as deemed advisable, cause
an assessment to be made of all real and personal
property within the limits of the corporation, by a
person to he appointed and paid by them, which
assessment shall not exceed the present assessment
of the same property for county purposes except
where improvements made thereon increase its
value to such an extent as to entitle such property
to reassessment between the periods of county
assessment, and the Commissioners may levy a tax
thereon not exceeding in any one year twenty (20)
cents in the hundred dollars worth of assessable
property, which said tax shall be collected and
paid to the Treasurer, by the collector appointed
by said Commissioners, who shall have power to
distrain therefor as the collector of public county
assessments has to distrain for the same, and the
said Commissioners, shall fix the term of office,
amount of bond, and compensation of such collector.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That no loan or in-
debtedness shall be created under this Act of in-
corporation, except the following : And said Judges
of Election shall submit to a vote of the qualified
voters of said town, at the first election held under
this Act, the propriety of making a loan of one
thousand dollars at six per. cent, interest, and not
over five per cent, discount, for the purpose of the
immediate improvement of said town.
Loan only
by vote.