payment of said assessment; upon default in the
payment of any sum due on any subscriptions and
thirty days after written notice of such default
shall have been addressed to the subscriber at his
usual place of abode or business through the post-
office, the stock on which the said sum shall then
be due, shall be and become forfeited to the cor-
poration, and may be sold by the Board of Direc-
tors for the benefit of the said corporation, or the
corporation may by suit, as in case of the other
debts, recover the installment or installments; the
Board of Directors shall have power to receive
Failure to pay
payment for the whole or any part of any sub-
scription in land, timber or money ; and if in land
or timber, then at such price valuation or terms as
may be agreed by the subscriber and the Board of
Directors or their appointed agents.
May recover.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That when the said
corporation shall have completed their main line
between the points named in section first, they
shall then extend the said main line to intersect
the Western Maryland Railroad at or near the
city of of Westminster, and for the purpose of said
Main line to
extension they may increase their capital stock to
an amount not exceeding two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars, and they shall have power to
construct, maintain and work their main line with
said extension, and also branches or lateral roads
not exceeding five miles in length.
Increase capi-
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That for transporatlon
on its railroads or branches, or any part thereof,
the said corporation shall have a right to charge
and collect as toll and transportation charges at
rates not exceeding six cents per ton of property,
or five cents per passenger for each and every mile
of transportation, but for any distance twenty-five
cents may be charged for a passenger, or for any
quantity of freight.
Rates of toll.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the said Rail-
road and branches may be constructed with as
many sets of tracks as the corporation shall deem
proper, and the corporation may construct and
maintain all bridges, wharves and other stuctures
and works which it shall deem necessary for the
purposes of its incorporation, but the land which
it shall have the right to acquire for the construc-
Construct and