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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2907   View pdf image (33K)
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second or any other inquisition which is confirmed
by the Court, shall not award to the landowner a
larger amount of damages than was awarded by
the first inquisition, the Court may, in its discre-
tion, order the costs of the said second, or other
inquisition to be paid by the owner, or owners of
said land or materials condemned, and the inqui-
sition shall in all cases describe the property taken
or the bound of the lands condemned, and the
quality or duration of the interest in the same,

Valuation —
how paid.

valued for the Company; and such valuation when
paid, or tendered to the owner or owners of the
property, his, her or their legal representatives
shall entitle the said Company to the estate and
interest in the same thus valued, as if it had been
legally conveyed by the owner or owners of the
same; and the valuation if not received when ten-
dered may at any time thereafter be received with-
out costs from said Company, by the owner or
owners, his, her or their legal representatives, and
the Sheriff shall keep the said jury together for a
reasonable time, until they shall agree upon and
sign and seal the said inquisition; and in case it

Continue to
summon until


shall so happen that the jury cannot agree after
being kept together as aforesaid, the Sheriff may
in his discretion, discharge the said jury, and
without any further warrant from a Justice of the
Peace, shall within five days thereafter, summon
another jury of twenty inhabitants, as aforesaid,
not upon the former jury and the same proceed-
ings shall be had in all respects as is hereinbefore
provided; and in case of a second, or other disa-
greement of the jury the same proceedings shall
be had until a verdict or inquisition shall be made
and returned as aforesaid.

Obligations as
to roads

Sec. 13 And be it enacted, That the obligations
of said Company in reference to the providing of
proper roitds and wagon ways shall be the same
as those imposed upon the Western Maryland
Railroad Company and the individuals injured
shall be entitled to the like remedy for the non-
compliance of said Company with such obliga-


Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Directors may declare dividends of the
net profits at such times aa they may deem best,



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2907   View pdf image (33K)
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