AN ACT to amend an Act passed at the January
Session, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, of the
General Assembly of Maryland, Chapter two
hundred and nineteen, entitled "An Act to incor-
porate the Monumental Fire Insurance Company
of Baltimore," and to change the name of said
corporation, and to enlarge its powers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the acceptance
of this Act by the stockholders, President and Di-
rectors of the Monumental Fife Insurance Co. of
Baltimore in the manner hereinafter provided, the
name of said corporation shall be "The Monu-
mental Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore," and
said corporation, by that name shall have, exercise
and possess all and singular the franchises, rights
and corporate powers of the President and Direct-
ors of the Monumental Fire Insurance Company of
Baltimore, and such other powers and franchises
as may be conferred by this Act, or any Act of the
General Assembly hereafter to be enacted; provided,
however, that nothing in this Act contained shall
be so construed as in any manner to affect, change
or impair any right or remedy existing at the time
of the acceptance hereof by the stockholders of said
Company, but all such rights and remedies at that
time belonging to any person or persons, against
said Company under its present name, or be-
longing to said Company against any person or
persons, shall be possessed and enjoyed, prosecuted
or defended, as if this Act had not been passed.
Not to impair
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after
the acceptance of this Act, as aforesaid, the said
Monumental Fire Insurance Company shall in ad-
dition to the powers and privileges now possessed
by the President and Directors of the Monumental
Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, be capable
in law, by its corporate name aforesaid, to pur-
chase, improve, lease, hold and dispose of property,
real, personal and mixed, to borrow and lend
money, to make advances upon lands and buildings,
to give and receive security for loans made to or by