INDEX. 967BALTIMORE COUNTY-- House bill to build bridge over Jones' Falls,
between 6th and 6th mile stones, &c., 667; re-
ported, 681; passed, 747. House bill renewal registration nooks, 710; re-
ported, 713. House bill to prevent stock running in Pikes-
ville, 726; passed, 803. House bill to sell turnpike stocks, 727; report-
ed read and passed, 809. House bill to prevent sale Of liquor at Holly
Grove, 727; reported, 779; passed, 797. BALTIMORE AND OHIO R. R. CO.—Order offered for
committee to ascertain measures to save harmless,
&c., 148; negatived, 149; Joint Resolutions re-
garding offered, 149; read and postponed, 174;
Joint Resolutions reported, 211; House Joint Re-
solutions, 225; Senate Joint Resolutions post-
poned, 231; reported unfavorably, 270; postpon-
ed, 274; postponed, 286; considered and post-
poned, 305; postponed, 313; House Resolutions
postponed, 323; postponed, 328; considered and
postponed, 338; postponed, 355: considered and
postponed, 371; set down for Wednesday, 374;
postponed, 883; reconsidered and postponed, 383;
debated and postponed, 422; considered and Re-
port of Finance Committee adopted, 429; entered
on Journal that Washington county Senator
would have voted for report, 431,; Mr. Stephen-
son's Resolutions referred and committee en-
larged, 431. Joint Resolutions authorizing Governor to in-
stitute proceedings, 364; read and referred, 431;
reported, 544; amendments proposed, 849; con-
sidered, 551; passed, 559; returned from House
amended and passed, 645. Joint Resolutions appointing committee to in-
vestigate, 429. Leave for a bill to secure payment from to
State, &c., and reported, 430. Ordered, if Senator from Talbot had been in his
seat, he would have voted against Report of Fin-
ance Committee, 501.